As a nonfiction author filled with passion about my WWII subjects—refugees thrust into a cruel world—and their relevance with the refugee crisis of today, the invitation to speak in a college setting with bright, inquisitive students is a special honor. February 2, 2017, I had the chance for open dialogue with twenty University of Central Florida students from the Burnett Honors College. Asked to speak about life leading up to my work now as an author caused to me to think back on this intriguing chapter. After selling my engineering company and spending nine years researching, traveling to archives worldwide (physically and virtually), and writing, the truth of my circumstance lies in the saying: It’s not the destination. It’s the journey. I was born to this mission of helping make the world a better place by sharing what I’ve learned and being an advocate for protecting human rights and dignity. Education is power and serves as the gate that leads to any future worth having. Use your voice to ensure justice for all.
Adventurers Against Their Will: Extraordinary World War II Stories of Survival, Escape, and Connection, Unlike Any Other
- Available in Paperback and joanieschirm
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Based on her father’s collection of 400 old letters, Adventurers Against Their Will is the deeply personal account of a daughter’s investigative journey to locate the Czech correspondents and their descendants around the world.
MY DEAR BOY: A World War II Story of Escape, Exile, and Revelation
Adventurers Against Their Will
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