Joanie Schirm

  • March 1, 2013 Today’s world of popping out a book

    March 1, 2013 Today’s world of popping out a book

    It’s amazing to think that my writing journey has been going on nearly nine hours every single day for five years. I started with the epic World War II story of my Czech father (My Dear Boy: The Discovery of a Lifetime),naively thinking I’d finish that book in about two years. Then, as I wrote…

  • So you want to be an author?

    So you want to be an author?

    So you want to be an author? Trust me; if you take this new job as a writer seriously, you are in for an experience-like-none-other. After thirty-five years in the business of engineering, seventeen as a business owner, involved in community activism up to my eye balls, in 2008 I retired to write a book…

  • Join me…

    Join me…

    So here we go: my first blog post! Although totally unprepared for this form of modern communication – this new day serendipitously coincides with receipt of the printing company proof of my debut book! As an omen of good luck, four white pelicans, my favorite birds, immediately flew over our lake. Join me in the…